
The International Organizing Committee of the XIII International Natural Sciences Tournament is pleased to invite your company to participate in a special technologist recruitment event, the XIII International Natural Sciences Tournament (INST), as a sponsor. INST is a scientific team competition for students (specializing in chemistry, physics, biology, engineering, pharmaceutical, and life sciences). The main goal of the competition is to teach students to apply their knowledge to current practical scientific and industrial problems. Participants concisely present their ideas of solving pressing applied problems to other participants and experts and receive feedback from them. INST develops such skills as mental flexibility, determination and persistence, communication, and problem-solving abilities. The official language of the Tournament is English.

History of Grand Final


More than 10 companies have contributed to INST as sponsors over the years of its existence. The reason why companies support us is that INST is an excellent opportunity to see how the best students from all over the world brainstorm sophisticated interdisciplinary problems, as well as an opportunity to find talented employees for their business. The Tournament attracts new participants from different countries every year since 2010. Since that time students from more than 25 countries and 4 continents have participated in INST. University professors and representatives of international companies have been INST jury members. Information about the Tournament and its partners appears in mass media and is published on our official website.

Geography of the Tournament participants


For more information about INST and our sponsorship options please refer to our presentation.

If you are interested in contributing to the Tournament by participating as a partner or sponsor company, please contact for detailed information our Sponsor Manager via

Our sponsors and partners

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